Alawahea: The Azellian Affairs, Book One
by Sara L Daigle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
(I still hate the 5 star rating system, this deserves more like a 4.75, but I don't have that option)
Reviewed for Readers Favorite
Tamara is working to finish her college degree in a time when the Earth has found out that there are other plants out there with life on them, and in fact has been sending and receiving ambassadors for over 50 years. This year is going to be different as the Azellian ambassador has proposed having a sort of foreign exchange program at the University with four Azellian students coming to Denver to study for the year. Tamara is excited because her grandfather had been the ambassador to Azelle years ago, and she is interested in learning, even if her grandmother is having a hissy fit about it all. The thing is that there are secrets in Tamara's life and past that are on a collision course with the Azellian students, and nothing is ever going to be the same. Alawahea, The Azellian Affairs is the first book in a series that introduces the reader to another culture and begins the story of interactions, fears, differences and similarities. Author Sara L. Daigle has created a story that is captivating and realistic, the fears and prejudices that are projected towards the Azellian's are the same fears and prejudices that we as humans project on anyone we don't know much about, and the problems it can lead to are enormous.
Alawahea, The Azellian Affairs is the first book in a new series that looks to be both entertaining and thought provoking. All the characters were so well written and developed that, as a reader, I felt a connection to them each from the start, and it was easy to get caught up in the story and following them and wanting only the best for each one. Author Sara L. Daigle has created an environment in the story that is so realistic and believable that you feel like you are part of the story as the reader. I think this is a great book for all readers, and I definitely think it is a time, when a book that causes the reader to look at pre-conceived prejudices and how we think and treat someone slightly different than ourselves, is much needed and should be read by many people. Will it change attitudes? Maybe of a few, those open to understanding and that in and of itself is worth the read alone.
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the alchemy of charlotte goodwin
by Michelle Colston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for Readers Favorite
The Alchemy of Charlotte Goodwin by author Michelle Colston is probably the most captivating book I have read in awhile. Charlotte poured herself into dance, ballet specifically, and when that was taken from her, she poured herself into work. The problem is that she has never really figured out who she was or what she really wanted in life, and that is leaving her a lot of voids and questions in her life. When her Uncle Shel dies, she finds out through a phone call and in her distraughtness she runs across the street only to be hit by a car. The accident leaves her dreaming of alternative lives that she might have lead. At first she isn't sure what is happening, but the more she sees in these dreams, the more clear her frustrations with he3r current life become and she begins to wonder what her life could have been, and where it should go.
Author Michelle Colston has written a tale that feels so life-like and real that you find yourself drawn into the story, wanting to root for certain versions of her life over others, yet they all seem to intertwine in a great number of ways with the same people and places. The Alchemy of Charlotte Goodwin is not only the story of a woman finding who she really is and what she really wants, but it begs the readers to look into their own lives and think about choices and what might have been had they made a different choice, or had thins happened differently. Hidden secrets in her life are staring to come to the front the book, and her search is just beginning. The book ends on a promising note, and with the promise of a second book to come. This book is a perfect read for all ages, but I especially think it would be good your the young adult reader, to allow them to question their own lives and make sure they are living the life they want, and not trying to fulfill someone else dreams for them.
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Don't Hide From Me: Luc (The McCabe Brothers, Book 4)
by Lorhainne Eckhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Don't Hide From Me is the fourth book in the McCabe Brothers series and focuses on youngest brother Luc. If you have read the previous books, it helps set the scene for this book, although it probably could be read on it's own.
Luc is having the hardest time of the brothers, and part of that is because Luc wants a relationship, marriage and a family, and that hasn't always been available to him, since Luc is gay. Now, things are changing and Luc is refusing to be anyone's secret, he wants it all, the same things his brothers all have.
This book is really a conclusion to the series in a way, focusing on Luc, but at the same time tying up any loose ends from the previous books, and wrapping up the McCabe Brother's into a neat little package.
I have no problem recommending this to readers of any age, just know they storyline going in so that you aren't caught off guard if you aren't open to reading the story. It is a good story line, and the family dynamics that you find in this book relate to a great number of people.
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Don't Run From Me: Aaron (The McCabe Brothers, Book 3)
by Lorhainne Eckhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for Readers Favorite
Aaron McCabe is a great fighter, but what no one knows is that he uses his fighting to relieve his greatest failure, to exercise the wounds from his past that he can't heal nor let go of. Tonight is no different, expect that his brother Chase is there, and not about to let things go. Chase always has to fix everyone's problems, but this isn't something even Chase can fix. Don't Run From Me is the third book in the McCabe Brothers series, so far having oldest brother Vic's story in book one and next oldest Chase's story in book two. Author Lorhainne Eckhart builds from the previous books, although you don't need to have read them to understand this book, and moves on to the next brother.
The McCabe Brother's series follows each of the McCabe brothers, who are all four adopted, and their individual journey's as they look to fill voids left in their lives by loss and love. Don't Run From Me is the third book, and can stand alone on it's own, but having read the other books in the series does give you more insight to each brother. Author Lorhainne Eckhart is able to weave a tale that is both heartwarming and contemporary at the same time. This story plays on a natural disaster that effected a great number of people, and influenced the lives of Aaron and his girlfriend at the time. This is a good read and recommended for most any reader, although there are a few minor adult themes in small areas of the book, it is really a good book for all.
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Don't Catch Me: Chase (The McCabe Brothers, book 2)
by Lorhainne Eckhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for Reader's Favorite.
Of all the McCabe brothers, Chase is the one who has always felt the need to fix things, to take care of problems and people ad deal with them. So when Chase stops for gas in a remote little place, walking into what looks like an armed robbery, he immediately takes action and takes control of the situation. Things get more confusing for chase when he realizes that it's just a young kid, and then that there is a whole lot more going on in this sleepy little town than meets the eye. It will take all of Chase's smooth-talking and handsomeness to build any trust with Billy Jo, but in her, Chase sees his own brother Aaron, and he is bound and determined to make things right. Don't Catch Me is the second book in the McCabe Brother's series, written by author Lorhainne Eckhart.
Although Don't Catch Me is the second book in the McCabe Brother's series, it can easily stand on it's own. The oldest brother Vic, who was the subject of the first book, is mentioned in this book, but you don't need to know any of his story to completely understand this book. The reader is introduced to Aaron and Luc, in fact we meet the whole McCabe family in this book, and you start really understanding the family more in this book, they play a slightly bigger role, as they were almost non-existent in the first book. Author Lorhainne Eckhart has written a captivating tale of family, especially a dysfunctional family that has managed to create some amazing men, that have their flaws, but at the same time those flaws are what make them that much more interesting and relatable. This is a great book for any reader, there is very mild references to a couple of intimate moments, but it is easy for me to say those are so mild, any age reader would enjoy this book.
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Don't Stop Me: Vic (The McCabe Brothers, Book 1)
by Lorhainne Eckhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for Readers Favorite
Vic McCabe has come a long way over the years, he is a successful contractor and developer, but there is something missing in his life. He holds almost everyone at a distance, but after the one mistake in his life when he was a teenager, he isn't about to let anyone get close to him again. When a determined reporter shows up at his office wanting to know about the past, she won't take no for an answer, and when she worms her way into his house, he lets her know that what happened in the past is off limits, it's not his story to tell and he refuses to let it hurt anyone again. To prevent the story from going to press, he has to find someone from his past, someone who doesn't want to be found. Don't Stop Me is the story of Vic years after a tragic incident that changed everyone's lives. Author Lorhainne Eckhart melds a classic bad boy, good girl, misunderstanding story into a completely modern and current romance.
Don't Stop Me is a well written story that develops in the wake of 9/11 and the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. It cold easily be a true-life story, in that is plays into the the fears of people in that time period and the overzealousness of some to bring someone, anyone to justice, and to make someone pay, even if they had nothing to do with anything. Author Lorhainne Eckhart wrote a wonderful story that will tug at your heartstrings, and maybe make you rethink some positions on people. I found the book to be a good story, but my own sensitive nature, dislike of racial and ethnic profiling, and background in seeing some of these things occur to friends in college, made it difficult for me to read. It just came too close to real life for me to be comfortable, but at the same time, I think it would be a great book to make someone who has never experienced anything of the sort think about what can happen. Not sure what the author has planned for the next books in the McCabe brothers series, but even with my issues reading this one, I look forward to finding out.
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Greensmith Girls (Lainswich Witches, Book 1)
by Raven Snow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In the small town of Lainswich, almost everybody knows everybody and their business, so the rumor around town has always been that the Greensmith Girls were strange, or well witchy. Rowan took the first chance she got and left town, renting a run-down tiny apartment working for a tabloid, but at least she was on her own. At least until the annual family yard sale when her Aunt sold a trunk to someone and that person ended up dead.
Now Rowan is back in town trying to figure out who was the body in the trunk and what happened to the lady that bought the trunk, without anyone in her family getting hurt. Enter the grandson of the man in the trunk, and thing get even more complicated.
Can Rowan figure out what is going on without involving the family? Can she keep herself from getting mixed up with the grandson?
This is a great start to a new series that focuses on family, a little witchy nature, a little romance, and small towns. It looks to be be a cute and entertaining series.
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