by Jayne Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Far in the future, on a new world, cut off from Earth by the closing of a travel curtain that at one time allowed people to settle this world, humanity has developed paranormal senses. Charlotte feels that she got the short stick in the para-senses, her light talent allows her to turn artifacts to their owner, but that is about it, not something that has a lot of demand in the work force, and it also has created some side effects in the terms of panic attacks for her. This has left her shy nd unsure of herself, when she meets Slade Attridge, he is everything she isn't and one night of teenage friendship has shaped her views on men ever since. Now she is back on Rainshadow, Slade is too. Is it meant to be or is it something else altogether.
Slade has spent the last years off Rainshadow making a name for himself in the FBPI (Federal Bureau of Psi Investigation). He has been extremely talented and worked on some very sensitive cases, which has connected him with both the Arcane Society and the famous Jones & Jones paranormal investigators from Earth. Now he is back on Rainshadow, hoping to hide for awhile due to some bad news from his last mission.
This story introduces the reader to the Island of Rainshadow, while at the same time expanding on the Looking Glass series, as well as the Arcane Society and the famous Jones and Jones. Readers and fans of Jayne Castle will know the Arcane Society. Personally I love the books written by the author under the name Amada Quick, which are the Victorian era stories and the ones by Jayne Castle, which are the future era stories. There are others written in current times under the name Jayne Ann Krentz, but I have never found them as intriguing as the past or future.
With this story we have a para-senses, there is some intrigue, some romance and a story that is well put together and keeps you reading so fast. You don't ever want to put this book down until the end, then I found myself searching for the next book!
I have been a fan of the world of Harmony since the first book, Orchid and this one did not disappoint.
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