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Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite In a cage, deep underground Shea sits waiting to die. She is sure this is where she will die. Shea is strong and defiant. She takes the brunt of the abuse from the leader, in the hopes of keeping the rest of the girls safe. She is one of hundreds of women that have been kidnapped by the demons, and although there was once a promise of rescue, that was so long ago. She told the woman who wandered into the lair to find the Dark Warriors. Meanwhile, across town, the woman that wandered in has told the Dark Warriors and they are planning a rescue. The Mage Garrick is one of the lead men to go in as he will use his magic to take down their wards. Garrick is a strong, silent warrior who takes his job seriously. He lost his own mate years ago and fights to make sure no one else does. In the book Scarred Warrior, we finally learn all of Garrick's story. How he got his scars by using his time travel gift, and lost his mate. He also finds out that Shea is his mate, which rocks them both. Garrick because he can't understand getting a second mate, and Shea because of everything that had been done to her while in captivity, she can't believe anyone would want her. Authors Brenda Trim and Tami Julka once again have created a story to draw you into the world of the Dark Warriors. Scarred Warrior is the fourth book in the Dark Warrior series. Authors Brenda Trim and Tami Julka are amazing writers in a number of ways, but it really shows in a series in the fact that you can read this book without reading the others and be fine. You will understand everything going on, but if you read them in order then you will have more of a dislike going for the villains by the time you get to this book. This book is filled with the magic and adventure. A good deal of fighting and sabotage. There is the fated mate pair, but only because I have read the other books, I feel this pair lacked a bit of sizzle, most likely because of both their fears. Still this is an excellent book and a great read.
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Heather Killough-Walden is a California native currently living in Texas with her husband and child. She is the New York Times bestselling author of the Big Bad Wolf series. Heather’s educational background includes religious studies, archeology, and law. She has traveled all over the world but hopes to one day live in a town with a world-class hockey team. (Let’s Go Pens!) Visit Heather’s website at, where you can sign up for her newsletter. Also, be sure to keep in touch with her and other fans through her Facebook fan page and through Twitter (killoughwalden)! The Lost Angels Series .5 Always, Angel 1. Avenger's Angel 2. Messenger's Angel 3. Death's Angel 4. Warrior's Angel 5. Samael The Big, Bad Wolf Series 1. The Heat 2. The Strip 3. The Spell 4. The Hunt The Kings Series 1. The Vampire King 2. The Phantom King 3. The Warlock King 4. The Goblin King 5. The Seelie King 6. The Unseelie King 7. The Shadow King 8. The Winter King The Choosen Soul Series 1. The Chosen Soul 2. Drake of Tanith 3. Queen of Abdannon
The October Triology 1. Sam I Am 2. Secretly Sam 3. Suddenly Sam Neverland Duet 1. Forever Neverland 2. Beyond Neverland Other Titles
Hell Bent The Game A Sinister Game Vampire, Vampire Redeemer The Patrick Sinclair Story
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars Let me start by saying that I read this short novellette, after reading the first three books, which was probably good. Angel is mentioned in each of the three novels, in the same brief manner. She has been an online friend to all of our archess. So from the beginning, even in book one, I had a feeling that Angel was going to play a role at some point. At this point we learn that Angel learns about each archess through dreams, and then she friends them online, and she also keeps and eye on them in real life without them knowing it. She wants to keep them alive and make sure they met their archangels. She knows the drill, she knows what her purpose is and what she was put here for, sorta. The thing is she doesn't really want them to get together because once they all do then something called the Cummulation is supposed to start and they are all supposed to be whisked back to heaven and not be here to help the human population anymore, and Angel is big on helping the humans. We get just enough story to let us understand Angel a little better and to accept her role in all this. We understand the Cummulation a tiny bit better, but I still get the feeling that there is more to it than anyone really knows, and we actually find out who Angel was made for. Now its time to carry on and see what happens.
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My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars Azrael is suppose to be his brother Gabriel's best man at his wedding to his beloved archess, Juliette, but it is taking every once of control he has learned to master over the thousands of years on earth to keep in that spot. Nothing prepared him for the sensation of looking across the isle at the maid of honor and seeing his archess. Sophie is obsessing over Azrael, at least that is what she thinks it is. She doesn't understand that she is an archess because she hasn't come into her powers yet. She has also had a very rough life and she doesn't feel that she is worthy of being an archess or even of being loved, or thought of as pretty. She has no idea how beautiful she really is, and no idea the turmoil she is causing Azrael. Azrael spends most of the service using his Vampire powers to read her mind and memories, and what he finds alarms him. When Gabe and Jules found each other, they realized that each archess life experience was tied to each archangel, so since Gabriel was the Messenger angel, sometimes known for rebirth or reincarnation Jules had to go through a number of horrible lives with only one or two of her powers and face terrible deaths until she found Gabe. With Azrael being the Angel of Death, everyone was worried about the life that his archess would have had to go through, so Az felt it was ok to go through her mind. What he finds alarms him, and he wants to take things very slow with her. Problems arise when the Adarian's appear and make their knowledge of Sophie known. Az calles out his legions of vampires to watch over Sophie. Over the years Az, being the very first vampire, has turned a number of people, and everyone is of Az's bloodline, they all look to Az as their leader or King. What no one realizes until later is that there are some new players in town, even older than the Adarian's, who thought they were the first. Oops. Seems like everyone has a grudge out against the "Favored Four". Really? Az was next, but then again I should have know that Michael would be last, as he was the favorite of the favorites. Then again this was such a good book because we knew it from the start, I mean Az and Sophie met at the wedding of Gabe and Jules in the end of the last book! So this just picked up from there at a run, and I do mean a run. It was fast! So much going on, so much to do and so much to get together. Things with the Adarian's are getting a little scary, in that Kevin might be going slightly crazy. Personally I have always thought he was off his rocker, but now others are starting to think it too, and that is a big change from them blindly following him. Then there are the new players! I love reading those stories! Of course Sam is still around, and no one know what the hee-haw he is up to. In fact, Sam in a little too quiet for my liking. Well, I have now read all three of the books that my library has, so I have to go and download the rest, which I am doing now because I must finish the series! I have to know more! I really have to finish the series. i'm just debating on going back and picking up the prequel first and then finish or finishing and then going back.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars Every since his brother Uriel had found his archess, things at the mansion had been a little rough for Gabriel. He needed to get away and find himself, so back to Scotland he went. He never strayed too far from her, this was where he felt most at home. He just never expected to look up from an ale in the pub and into the eyes of his archess. Juliette was doing her thesis research in Scotland. She always felt connected to it, but never could figure out why, and then there were all the fuzzy dreams. The more she traveled, the more vivid the dreams had become, but she still didn't have a clue as to what they all meant. Trying to sleep in a little room above a pub, during a festival, in Scotland, was useless. Seeing the most gorgeous man ever in front of the fire, who locked onto her and kissed her like magic wasn't in the plans either. Juliette has no idea she is an archesse, or even what they are, but she is about to learn and probably not in the best way possible. Between a rogue Adranan, Sam and Gabe, all coming at her from different directions, a girl is bound to be confused! At least there was Ellie to help just a little! Seeing another woman did make her feel slightly better, but given the story she first heard, she couldn't understand why Ellie was so happy. Of course that story just happened to come from non other than Sam, and no one knows what Sam has up his sleeve. Now, that is all I am going to say about the story! I can't give much more or I give away the whole story and it is so exciting and full of romance and wonder, that you have to read it yourself. Gabe, with that highland accent, is really a big, softy, romantic at heart and he treats Jules like a porcelain doll, with such care and admiration. It is just amazing to read, because when they are in a fight or battle, Gabe is in the middle of the fighting getting wounded the most, so you never think he has a softer side. I am finding that I enjoy the authors style of writing and storytelling. That I understand her, I can guess at parts of where she is going but I still miss some things and she catches me off guard. I got so caught up in the first book, Avenger's Angel that I immediately started on Messenger's Angel. Now I find myself having to finish this series! I MUST know it all!
In the beginning of time, the Old Man had his four most favorites, and he created for them each a perfect woman, but because of the greed of others they were sent to Earth. The four left, and went to Earth to find them but it was not as easy as they had thought. Thousand's of years have past and they are still looking, never thinking they will find. Uriel, the Avenger, is currently going by the name Christopher Daniels, and working as an actor. Why not? Although all the screaming fans have him rethinking his rash decision. He is on his way to a book signing in a small town, when a sudden storm appears, he didn't feel it coming, he always does. Something isn't right, he can feel it but he doesn't know what it is until he runs away from a hoard of screaming fans and hides in a women's restroom. Here he is caught by a woman and a small child, and he knows in an instant who she is - she is his one! His archess. Now - I'm going to leave the story at that because if I tell you anymore it ruins it!! Just know that nothing is ever easy! Uriel can't just say, you're my one and only, and she fall into his arms and they ride off into the sunset. She can be stubborn and hardheaded. An added bonus here is there are other beings looking for her too, ones that Uriel knows nothing about, until it's almost too late. This is an amazing book. We meet all four of the special ones, they have stayed together all these years, brothers. They are close and connected, even though the fall to Earth changed them. We also learn of Michael, Gabriel and Azrael. Of course, they didn't come alone, they were sent a guardian, Max; but on the other side some of the not so good guys who started this whole mess came down too. One of them is Samuel, and Samuel wants one of archess for himself. This is the first book I have read by this author and I loved the way she wrote. I enjoyed the way it pulled me in and felt for Uriel, and the others, but I also understood Ellie, and I couldn't stop reading it all night! I'm ready to start book two.
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