by Sydney Ledger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Aveline has grown up a loner and outcast. It has just been her mother and her, her father left when she was young, and she has a terrible disease that leaves her pale, allergic to the sun and in terrible pain at times, only to be cured by drinking animal blood. She hates it, but doctors orders are doctors orders. What Aveline is about to find out is that everything she thought she knew has been a lie, she is really a Dhampir, half Vampire, and that Vampire's really do exist. Blood: The Vampire Covenant Series (Book 1) tells the story as Angel informs Ava of her history and gets her to help him safe the Vampire world, at least that is what he tells her they are doing, and who is she to mistrust this heart-throb. +Sydney Ledger easily mixes that feelings of a lonely teenager, the need to be liked, and the desire to help save the world into this Vampire tale.
Blood is not your typical blood-drinking Vampire tale, in fact there is very little actual blood drinking going on in the story. There is a back history to the Vampires but no clear cut how they originated in the story, but they have been around, and they are here to protect the humans from demons. +Sydney Ledger has made them the good guys, and yet at the same time, she has made them vulnerable to temptation. She also brings the loner and outcast feelings that Ava is dealing with to life and you really feel them and can relate to them. Although there is some mild sexual references and one sexual scene, I would still say that most young adults would be ok reading this book and they would relate to it very well, being in that age range. It is also a great book for adults as well.
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