by Libba Bray
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Sweet Far Thing is the final book of the Gemma Doyle trilogy. This is our last visit to the Spence Academy for Young Ladies and to the Realms, but there is still quite and lot that needs to be accomplished before the end of this book, which is why it is a pretty big book!
Mrs. Nightwing has finally raised the funds to restore the damaged East Wing and so construction on the East Wing has begun and it is suppose to be done in time for a large gala ball for the end of term in May. Of course this has all the ladies atwitter wanting to watch the workers instead of doing their studies. The scariest thing for the girls has been that Gemma has not been able to open the door to the realms since they imprisoned Circee in the Temple Well.
Gemma had thought you was done when she destroyed the runes, but no she needed to find the temple and then she imprisoned Circee in the Temple Well, but in the process gave herself all the Magic, now she needs to give the magic back but to who and how. Should she give it to the Order, to the Rakshana, or to the different tribes in the realms? Maybe she should make all the tribes of the realm come together and share it equally. As Gemma is trying to figure that out new and more disturbing visions start coming to her, and she is pretty sure they have something to do with her decision but she just isn't sure how.
While dealing with the visions, the girls have to deal with Ann's cousins wanting to come take her to be their governess, and them wanting to help Ann control her own destiny. Then there is the matter of Felicity's inheritance, for her to get it she must be presented to the queen and have her debut ball, but Lady Markham, who has always promised to do that is having second thoughts after talking to the snob Lady Denby, so plan appease Lady Markham is in full effect. That of course has unwanted marriage prospects that no one realized might be coming.
Pippa did not want to be forced to marry a man three times her age and made a drastic decision to stay in the realms, without realizing the costs until too late, yet she still took control of her life. Fee wanted her inheritance and to live on her own, away from her parents where she was safe, and she could keep Polly safe. Ann wanted to make her own way in the world through her own talent and Gemma wanted to decide for herself what to do with her future. These were still radical ideas for 1896, but there time was coming.
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