Southern Hearts Series
Book One
by Felicia Rogers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Travel back with me to the Southern United States in 1830 to the beautiful setting of our story, Millicent. Millicent is the oldest of three daughters of a plantation owner just outside of New Orleans. For the last eight months, she has been writing back and forth to Stephenie, by request of her tutor to strengthen her english skills. Now she is having a huge party for her birthday and wants Stephenie to come and be by her side for the whole event. The only problem with this is that, unbeknownst to Millicent, Stephenie is really Stephen. Oh what a tangled web Felicia Rogers has woven. Stephen secures and invitation to the party and plans to tell Millicent, but we all know what happens to the best laid plans. Deceit, treachery, stolen kisses and a house full of men wanting to meet Millicent stand between Stephen and his plans. Can he get to Millicent before she finds out on her own?
Millicent is a warm and touch, innocent story of two very shelter and innocent and trusting young adults in the 1830's that share a special relationship through letters. Stephen knows more about Millie than anyone else would and probably more than what a normal husband even would in that time period. In their letters they were free of the constraints of society to talk freely with each other and they did. Felicia Rogers takes a classic tale of a daughter turning eighteen and well, you gotten kinda marry them off, so you have a big party and show off what you have to interest somebody in her and you hope she is happen. In this case you have a loving family that wants the best, and it turns out kinda funny. This is good reading for adults, teens, young adults, really anyone with the time to read.
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Courted by the Vampire
by Sandra Sookoo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Hannah dreams of a ordinary, normal life, but when Edwin walks in the bookstore and tells her he has been looking for her for two years, although she'll admit it's a cheesy pick up life, she has no idea how far from normal her life will become. Edwin is a bounty hunter, a half vampire bounty hunter, and he needs Hannah to help him on a quest. Hannah wants nothing to do with the paranormal world. She had been there once, tried one time, never wanted to go back. Problem is that Edwin isn't the only one looking for Hannah. As Edwin and Hannah team up, their opposite ways cause friction and sparks to fly. Courted by the Vampire is truly a romance story about the courtship of Edwin and Hannah, the fears and decisions they both have to make to get to this point in their lives. Sandra Sookoo mixes in the paranormal in a way that feels more natural and part of life than to make it mystical and dark.
Sandra Sookoo's world of paranormal involves good and evil, but the world is more beautiful and worth living in. It is not this dark and scary place that most vampire novels take you to. It is quite refreshing to have an uplifting version of a vampire for once. Courted by the Vampire shows how Hannah and Edwin must fight not only the demons in the world to save it, but those inner demons we all have, to be able to accept the relationships that are presented to us. Romance, Paranormal or just fell good, this novel will have you laughing and crying and wanting more! Ladies of all ages will enjoy this novel and enjoy the courtship they encounter.
FUN FACT: Some of the locations mentioned in the book, well most of the locations that they visit in the book are in the beautiful and wonderful state of Indiana, in the great mid-west! Indiana Dunes and the Indiana Dunes State Park, Indianapolis and then Chicago is mentioned, but they never go to Chicago. Might not be a fun fact for you all, but it was for me because guess what.....I live in Indiana!! How many times do you find a book written and set in this little burb?
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The Genealogist's Guests
by Ann Simpson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Liz is researching her family tree, she has even went so far as to hand paint a beautiful tree on her living room wall with all the ancestors, each on their own leaf, so far as she has found them. These is what she has immersed herself in since her husband died, well really since she killed him but nobody knows that. What Liz doesn't know is that her family tree has opened a portal to the other world and the ghosts of her ancestors are with her, some good and some not so good. The Genealogist's guests are coming, her first guests in four years. Her niece Abigail and her two children and Liz is so happy, but maybe now isn't the right time. Ann Simpson tells the story of generations upon generations repeating the mistakes of their ancestors and hiding it out of shame and fear. Only by revealing the truth will they ever truly be free from the ghosts of their past.
The Genealogist's Guest starts out like a ghost story with with ancestor's helping the current descendant, but very soon you realize there is something very dark about this story. Within the first few chapters there is a break in at Liz's house, and what we learn about the criminal will set the stage for the rest of the book. Margaret and George and the elderly next door neighbor couple, and Margaret is a medium so they are soon at Liz's house all the time helping out and protecting her. Ann Simpson uses the lightheard subject of genealogy to tackle a much deeper issue and to get across the point that fear and shame only makes the problem grown, it is only through telling the truth can the cycle be broken and you can be set free. I definitely recommend this for mature readers only.
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The Godarian Son
by Steve Shanley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Jess and his friends, Allah and Mhose want to travel from their group of planets and find a new uninhabited planet that they can establish and create a world without wars and prejudices. They are sure they can do it if their parents will just let them. Lor, Jess's father and Asha, Allah's father give them permission and the friends set off to find a new plant, the trip is uneventful, except for a brief slip past some demon ships. They find the perfect plants and call it Eartus. They return home only to find the Demon ships in their way, They take their computers, and when they find out who Jess is, The Godarian son they run but threaten to be back. The friends return and present their findings to Lor, and they are granted to permission to inhabit the planet. They are able to report back to Lor that it is working, but every time they leave Eartus, the Demons ships return to mess with what they created, so they return to fix things. While this is going on, the original plants where the friends came from are still warring among themselves and the plant that Jess and Lor are on have signed a long-term peace agreement not to interfere. Stephen Shanley weaves the story of creation into a new light with this tale.
Read this story aloud if you can, because as you say the names of the people in the story you will stay to understand the similarities. You will see where Stephen Shanley was going with this story, each person and place relates to something in the real world, if you look close. If you look close enough you will see two parallel stories happening, in two different solar systems, anytime Jess is away from one there are problems in the other. The Godarian Son might be a fanciful play on creation, but I find some many things that could be explored and talked about, where the followers of Jess and Allah realized they wanted the same things and they shouldn't fighting each other! I would recommend this to young and old with and open mind and an open heart.
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As you know, when I find a new author I like, I lie to do these little Author Posts and introduce them to you with some information about them and some links.
So, let's get to it!
E. J. Squires:
Author Interveiw
Author Interview
Google Page Twitter
A Viking Blood Saga
Book 1 - Winter Solstice Winter
My Review Secondary Review Amazon Link
Book 2 - Summer Solstice Summer
My Review Amazon Link
Book 3 - Fall of the Realms (coming June 31, 2014)
Book 4 - Ragnarok Spring (coming December 31, 2014)
Desireable Creatures Series
Book 1 - Wraithsong
My Review
Book 2 -
Summer Solstice Summer
by E.J. Squires
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Soren and Ailia, along with their family are heading to the Southlandic Kingdom to escape from Eiess and her minions. Just as they are set to leave the Aesira Jewel is stolen, Soren takes off back north after the jewel while Ailia and the rest of the family heads south. Summer Solstice Summer is set mostly in the warm Southlandic Kingdom where most of the family is staying. Even this far away they are not out of reach of Eiess and her wicked ways. She send the Nukkern to shape-shift into Soren and try to break Ailia's spirit. Meanwhile in the north Soren is captured and tortured almost to the point of death, leaving him little to bargain with to escape, but yet escape he finally does.+E.J. Squires weaves the Vikings and the magic, the myths and the legends all into a wonderful story that will captivate you.
Summer Solstice Summer is not only the story of Soren and Ailia, but the story of Ailia's twin sister Lucia. To say that Ailia and Lucia are polar opposites is an understatement. Lucia and thrown her fate in with Eiess and is working against her sister, but in this book we she her growing her own indepence a little, and she has her own building storyline. E. J. Squires takes all the great things about the Viking tales of the longhouses, the dragonboats, the furs and cold weather, then mixes it with this legend of a Sun Queen that must reset the season, and a jewel and different realms and worlds and yet it doesn't feel like a mess. It all comes together and feels like it was meant to be there, this is exactly how the world was meant to be, and the characters and feelings are so vivid that you find yourself crying and laughing along with them. This is wonderful book, the second in a series, and I feel that any age would enjoy it, young adult to older adult. Definitely something you want to look for.
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Embarkment 2577
by Maria Hammarblad
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Alex awakes but can't remember anything, and she is certain she is dreaming when the doctor, or at least the person in the white lab coat turns around and has yellowish-orange skin. Wake up, wake up, wake up Alex screams in her mind but nothing changes. Everyone in the room keeps saying everything will be better when Adam gets her, who is Adam? It seems that Adam is an android from the year 2577 that landed back in present day, and Alex helped him to get back home, but in her final act of bravery she took a bullet that killed her in our time, and Adam brought to this time to be saved. Now she has to learn life all over. Embarkment 2577 is actually a collection of three small stories about Alex and Adam and life in the year 2577. Alex learns to live on the ship, and in each book it seems she causes some problem, without meaning to or knowing it. How the crew and her friends have to work to get her out of some sticky situations are what all these stories are about Maria Hammarblad does a wonderful job of adding in enough information facts to make you really feel like you are learning about living in space along with Alex but not enough to bore you.
Alex has the needy quality to her, but not in a bad way. She can take care of herself, but her she is in a completely new world and has no idea what to do. Adam is supposed to be an android, but he is more human than anything we've seen before. Maria Hammarblad gives us a real life feel in this science fiction novel. The aliens sound plausible and interesting. If anything Embarkment 2577 make me want to delve more into science to see if we can't make some of this come true.
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DASH Diet Recipes Jumpstart Cookbook - Over 30 Mouthwatering Recipes Ready In 30 Minutes (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack & Dessert Recipes Included!)
by Diana Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The DASH Diet actually stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and it has been around for awhile making it's way to the US News and World Reports best and healthiest diets list 4 years in a row. It has been highly recommended by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology and for good reasons, everything in this recipe book is really tasty.
This book gives you a basic, quick overview of the diet and why it is a good, healthy way to live. More importantly it is full of easy to follow DASH diet recipes. Some of these I was ready to make the day I first read the book. They don't take many changes to what you already have and everyone in the family can benefit from eating this way.
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The Way
by Mary E. Twomey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
The Fountain of Youth has been discovered, but it only works on people with B type blood. The only problem, it makes you anemic when you bath in it, so you must consume O type blood. If you have the bad fortune of being born with A type blood, well you are second class, the slave labor class. The Way separates people into classes by blood type. Baird, Blue and Griffin are born into this world and raised in what could be called an orphanage. They have a secret, Blue is more than she seems, she is the Light. A prophecy of old told of how the Light would come into the world and heal the world. Baird takes is as his role to train Blue to be the master assassin that she will need to be to complete the prophecy. While Baird is trying to hide Blue, she unknowingly reveals herself to Prince Liam and his entourage. This may be a good thing as she is whisked away by them to hopefully fulfill her mission. Mary Twomey creates a world of classes in which the second class with bring forth the hero to save the upper class.
The Way is a wonderful story of coming of age in a fantasy world where people are valued only for their blood type. As long as you have the right type, you are ruling class, but if you have the wrong type you are either the slave class or food. Enter Blue, who at nineteen is extremely naive and has a prophecy weighing her down. She is said to be the Light which will save the world. Mary Twomey layers so many elements in this story. There is the arbitrary assignment of value based solely on blood type, then you have the whole prophecy of being "the one" on a young girls heads. Add to that a forbidden romance or attraction between people of two different classes, and you have a wonderful story. Perfect for young adults, but even adults will find meaning and enjoyment in this story.
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Henry Darrow: Lightning in the Bottle
by Jan Pippins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
Henry Darrow was originally born as Enrique Tomas' Delgado in New York City. His parents were Puerto Rican immigrants that settled in New York. This biography tells the story of Henry's life, his name change and his passion for acting. He studied acting in school, even getting a scholarship to earn his college degree in acting. He worked numerous jobs, only to be told he was too ethnic for a part and not ethnic enough for the next. Jan Pippins pulls no punches in the telling of Henry's story. The double-standards and stereotypes that he had to deal with as a Puerto Rican person. The over riding factor in his success was the fact that he was a brilliant actor. He became an icon for many minority groups, and was a trailblazer.
Henry Darrow: Lighting In A Bottle takes you into the life of Henry, his upbringing and schooling. His career and marriage, his acting and failures. It is well written and gives a true to life view of how things where in the time period when Henry made his mark on the world. He could be called the acting world's Jackie Robinson. Not only does the book tell of his life, his biggest break came when he was cast to play on a tv series called The High Chaparral. This show followed on the success of Bonanza, but yet in a different way. There is one whole section of the book that is dedicated to the time he was shooting this show. Now only giving insight into him, but others of the time as well. Jan Pippins does a remarkable job of bringing to life the story of a men who blazed a new trail for minority actors, and became a legend in the doing. This is a great read for anyone who needs encouragement to do something they don't think they can do.
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by Riley Moreno
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Just finished with college, best friends Julie and Kim decided to take one last fling before starting real life with jobs and futures. They have no real plans, they are just going to drive and enjoy their week with no rules before settling down. Seems so easy, so many kids have done the same thing over and over through the years, yet nothing is ever as it seems.
On their first stop for lunch, the girls take up with a pair of clean looking college guys, only to find their worst nightmares are waiting. Kim, so worldly and beautiful, surely she can be the strong one and get them out of this mess. Julie, the innocent and sheltered child, can she have the strenght to get out and get home?
Ethan has his own demons, and never thinks he will be involved in anything like what he got himself into. New client, and for some reason he felt the need to impress, now they are taking him into their secret world. A world he never knew existed but one he wants no part of. How to get out safe and keep the account is his main focus until he is left alone with Julie. Now she is his main focus.
You have two distinct storylines that start and later merge into one, which is wonderful storytelling on the part of Riley Moreno. Each person has their own scars already and then to deal with what is happening is ever tougher. Who will become the strong one? Who will be able to survive?
Although there is some sexual references in the novel, and given that the girls are kidnapped you would expect them. They are not overly graphic, in fact the author does a wonderful job of allowing you o understand what is going on but at the same time keeping the information and details to a minimum. Wonderfully skilled writer in the author to do such a good job with this terrible topic.
This is definitely an adult book, but the whole premise of the story will have you wanting to hug your daughters and remind them again just how dangerous it can be to go with someone you just met. I was truly moved by the story.
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Never Lost
by Riley Moreno
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Romance and Paranormal are popular genre's today, and add in a young adult main character and you have most of the recent top sellers. Given that information, Never Lost is something of its own completely.
The main character is Harper who at 16 is forced to move from Chicago to a tiny farm village in Wisconsin where her mother grew up. Life is changed in an instant, and not to the better as far a Harper can tell. The first person she meets in this new town is Danny Benson, the problem, Danny is a 17 year old ghost who has been wandering the woods for the last 39 years!
The interactions and relationship that develops between Harper and Danny is unlike any ghost-human relationship you have ever read about, in fact Danny appears more human than ghost. It is an intense relationship and it helps Harper to adjust to the move, but it won't last for long.
Although this is a short book, it was originally written in five small installments, but I read them all together at once. This book packs a powerful story and kept me wanting more till the end, in fact I still want more of the story.
This is a great young adult or teen story, the trials of moving to a new town, all fit with life and make this story so easy to relate to in many ways.
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SHIT (Our Dollies Have No Holes) or Remember Miley's Brown and Brawn Sugarheld
by Jackson Hodge
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Reviewing a book that doesn't fit the normal format of a book is sometimes difficult, sometimes it's easy and then there are times when you are at a loss for words. Thus is the case when talking about Shit, by Jackson Hodge. This is not a book that you can sit a read cover to cover, in fact it's not even really a story but more of a collection of random thoughts and encounters.
There are times you will read things and shake your head and wonder why and other times, you will be compelled to act or think deep and morsley about what you just read. You never know what the next set of thoughts will provoke. Some are entertaining, some enlightening, and some defye classifications.
The author, Jackson Hodge lets his random thoughts and encounters dictate the book, and it becomes a bit of a journal but in a more thought provoking and mind unsettling way. If you are looking for something to challenge your mind, then this is definitely a book that will do that. Just don't expect a fluffy little feel good story.
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The Irish Princess and the Pearls of Eetanam
by Jamie Scheid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
When Mathius takes over the kingdom from his father, who was not the sort of king you wanted to have, his only thoughts are how to make sure people know he is nothing like his father. His first challenge comes in the form of Vikings attacking villages, and once the Vikings are dispatched, King Mathius dies in his sleep. His widow and young daughter are left to change the kingdom, and he leave a heroic legacy. His death effects a fisherman, who is given a magic medallion, and he passes it on to the Queen. The time comes when the queen needs to find out if Cassidy, her daughter is ready to take the throne, and she tells her of the medallion and sets her on a mission. The future of the kingdom is borne on the mission and the leaders emerge. The Irish Princess and the Pearls of Eatanam follows Cassidy and her journey, along with the fate of the kingdom. Jamie Scheid writes a fairy tale of sorts with wisdom and character.
Cassidy is the perfect princess, caring more for people and her kingdom than herself. The Irish Princess and the Pearls of Eatanam follows Cassidy and teaches of her gentleness and kindness. A kingdom ruled by a widow Queen, but covered in the legacy of a heroic king gone before he had time to do anything. The daughter born to take over, and the children of the kingdom that will be her help and guidance forever. Jamie Scheid gives us a story part historical, part fairy tale, and part realistic. So much to learn from the characters and the way they respond to everything that life offers them.
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An Untitled Lady
by Nicky Penttila
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite .
An Untitled Lady takes a real life political event, the Peterloo Massacre, and gives it life and voice in the form of fictional characters. Madeline has grown up alone, but her godfather has been grooming her to be his son's bride. Too bad he forgot to tell his son about this development. When Madeline arrives at Shaftsbury, nothing is what she was lead to believe it would be and her world is turned upside down. The younger brother of the Earl of Shaftsbury marries Madeline, and as he is a merchant takes her to town. The plight of workers and the factory owners becomes the main focus as +Nicky Penttila tells the story leading up to what would be later called the Peterloo Massacre when the workers rose up in passive protest to the treatment by the factory owners. As Nash and Madeline strive to learn to live together, they are in the middle of the arguments, he as a factory owner but one who understands the workers. Madeline is pulled in as she searches for her family of birth.
An Untitled Lady may take place in 1819, but the ideals are progressive, and as we watch Nash and Madeline together, we see them learning that the rules of the past will not fit the new order of the world. Nash is a merchant, but he is more understanding to his workers and wants a peaceful resolution. Madeline is drug into the conflict as she search for her birth family, only to find them high in the reform movement. Does she follow her family of birth or the rules she was raised under? Throw in an evil Uncle that has clouded Madeline's judgment and you find a wonderful story of the time period. +Nicky Penttila mixes history and fiction to give life to a moment in time that deserves more understanding.
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Slow Cooker Recipes Quick & Easy Cookbook: Mouthwatering Recipes Prepared in 30 Minutes or Less!
by Kathy KNIGHT
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
From some reason I had the idea in my head that as my children got older, cooking for them would become easier and I would be able to make fancy dinners. Now I realize that it was a dream, as my kids get older they are more involved in activities at school and I have even less time to cook. Over the years I have received a couple of slow cookers as gifts, but never really made the best use of them. As I was looking through kindle titles the other day, I came across this book of Slow Cooker Recipes and I knew I had to give it a try.
The book is wonderful in that it gives you some great starting recipes to have you using your slow cooker the same day. Not only are there great recipes that are easy to follow,they use ingredients you already have on hand and can be made on a budget. There are even some healthy eating variations and recipes included in the book as well. Aside from the recipes, there is another chapter devoted to the slow cooker itself. This gives you excellent advice on what to look for in a slow cooker if you don't have one, the best types of slow cookers, and other great information to make it easier for you to use.
Slow-cooked Lasagna is on the menu in our house now on basketball game nights, since we get home from school and have to run out to the game quickly. Now I can have a great dinner ready when they get home from school and we can eat before heading to the game. This means no more concession stand dinners! This book gives you great recipes that will help to make you feel better about what you are feeding your family.
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The World of Karov (Children of Demilee, #1)
by Elyse Salpeter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Adam and Alec are identical twins, in looks only. In their minds they are complete opposites. Alec is deeply disturbed, and takes after their father. Adam longs for a normal life, and he risks it all to runaway and try to find that life. Just as he thinks he has found the answers and is about to marry, his twin Alec kidnaps the bride and disappears. Adam searches with no luck, only to come upon someone who offers him a chance to start over in a new life on a new world. The World of Karov needs Adam, and he finds a place of respect. Adam may have left his past behind, but it will forever color his feelings and what he does? Can he make a new life or will his past continue to haunt him forever? +Elyse Salpeter weaves a wonderful tell of two worlds, two lives and two twins completely different yet always interconnected.
The World of Karov is a wonderful place for Adam to be. He is respected and not pitied because of his brother and father. He has a talent that is useful and he finally begins to feel that he has a place, even if it is on a different world than that of his birth. Somehow though, family can not be forgotten or left behind, and one day Adam will have to face his again. +Elyse Salpeter has written a tale that is so bold and different, you just have to keep reading. While the main character starts the book at age eight, this book is directed towards Young Adults and Adults alike. There is meaning in everything for both generations to glean.
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Author Blog
A Healing Heart
by Melissa A. Hanson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Bailey is young and pretty, she has everything going for her until a drunk driver changes her world. In the blink of an eye she goes from a happy teen to the only survivor of a terrible accident. Why did she survive? How can she go on in life? Will the nightmares ever end? A Healing Heart is a wonderfully touching story that follows Bailey, two years after the crash as she tries to rebuild her life and move on. It will take a chance encounter with another teen who has faced their own struggles for her to come to grips with the pain and move on. Melissa A. Hanson tells a remarkable story of loss, pain and guilt that is slowly overcome by love and happiness. All this through the eyes of teenagers making it a moving and inspirational story.
A Healing Heart is a wonderful book for teens, as the main characters are high school teens who have had to face some terrible events in their lives. How they rebound from those events and what happens next will leave you in tears as you journey with them to a healing place. Viewing the story through the eyes of the teen characters sheds a different light on the feelings and emotions they have to deal with. Melissa A. Hanson writes a powerful story of survivor guilt, and how to get past it with the help of friends and family. It is an inspirational story for the young adult and teen readers, but at the same time as an adult it is a compelling read as well.
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Kathryn Cooper Review