The books I have read, my reviews of them, the author's I have discovered I like, and more about them, including links, lists of books and series. Anything you need to find the next good book to read!
**All reviews are mine and may be published elsewhere with my consent only**
***All reviews are honest and truthful, receiving a copy of the book in return for a review does NOT guarantee a positive review**
So I read a book by author Victoria Danann and what can I saw but that I was hooked! She just has a wonderful way of writing. Liulf is a werewolf book, and if you have read any of the Black Knights then you will have read about the werewolves of the North West, Greyson and their pack splitting and some moving to another dimension. This time we move to Scotia, or Scotland and meet a nephew who is tasked at taking over the pack as alpha. He has been asked by his dying uncle to move the pack, and so he talks to Windwalker and finds out that it wasn't an old man hallucinations, but there is another dimension, and his Uncle has actually moved there. So he takes a chance and visits this new world and finds it is something he thinks will be good for the pack. The story follows Liulf and the pack as the prepare and move to the new dimension and start a new life. The one thing Liulf never expected was to find his mate in this other world. View all my reviews
Fiction is not the only thing that I ever read, in fact I read quite a great deal of non-fiction. I enjoy books that give help and guidance. Now, that being said I might not be the best person to review this book, because at this moment in time I am dealing with a number of things after starting my life over after 21 years of marriage, but then again that might also just make me the best person to review this book. Denial. Normally when you say the word denial, we think of the bad ways in which we use denial. The alcoholic who refuses or cant see that they are damaging themselves and/or those around them. The person who refuses to take ownership of their actions, and on and on. The thing is, denial is not always a bad thing, it just takes knowing when and how to use denial to your advantage. Author Holly Parker has a very easy, conversational tone in this book, and it reads more like she is a friend talking to you over dinner, giving you the information from her vast knowledge to help you through things you are dealing with. She doesn't overwhelm you with her knowledge and training, or make you feel that you can't understand what she is saying. She keeps it in a light and easy manner that allows everyone, no matter your educational background, to be able to understand what she is saying and feel comfortable with it. That is probably one of my favorite things, she doesn't talk over your head, or dumb it down too much that you feel like she is making fun of you. There are a number of exercises and questions that you can work through in this book to help you understand denial, when it is bad, when it is good, how to use it and how to avoid it. Because of all these exercises, this is a book that you can refer to over and over, when different things come up in your life. Of course, for me, it meant that it took me a lot longer than usual to read this book because I couldn't just skip them, I had to do the exercises and answer the questions. Of course, I still have pages marked in my book to work on again later, to go back and redo and to finish. This is definitely a great book, and I am extremely pleased that I ran across it at this point in my life, because in reality, there are a number of things going on when you begin life over, being a single parent, and responsible for everything yourself that this book will help me address. I do see myself using this book now, and again later in time.
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Jarod King, the oldest of the trio of King Brothers, may have his dream job as sheriff, but his personal life is anything but a dream. He married his high school sweetheart, thinking she was his true love, only to have her desert him for a life of drugs. His younger brother Josh's best friend Lauren is him administrative assistant and she has no problem giving him grief when she needs to, but Jarod has no idea that Lauren has been in love with him since the day she first saw him when she was just a freshman in high school. Now that Jarod's ex is dead, a long held secret has been dumped in his lap in the form of a daughter, and there is something funny going on with the drug dealings in town. Jarod's Heart picks up where Jason's Princess ended and focus more on Jarod and Lauren. Author Elise Manion has blended a broken heart, a love for family, and an insecure beauty together to weave an amazing story. Jarod's Heart, being the second book in the series, starts where book one left off, so we still have some of Jason and Julie's continuing story in this book, but the focus is Jarod and Lauren. We learn more of this history of everyone in this one, and the scars that run deep for both Jarod and Lauren. The one thing that just might heal them all is Jessica, the daughter Jarod never knew he had. Author Elise Manion again weaves the tough strong cop and his battle ready brothers into a story of romance and family values that will have you crying to the end! This is another amazing story about the King family. I am dying for the third story to come out!!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars Reviewed For +Readers' Favorite Looking for her Prince Charming has not been on the top of Julie's to-do list. She is more worried about raising her teenage brother and providing a safe and comfortable home for him since their parents died. Her best friend Josh, and his band of brothers Jason and Jarod have been there every step of the way, whether Julie liked it or not, but she has to admit that they have been exactly what her brother needed. What Julie has failed to see is that Jason has been in love with her since he first laid eyes on her when she was just a freshman in highschool. Jason's Princess is Julie and Jason's story, what happens when an old enemy comes back into town, determined to settle what he feels are old scores, meant to harm Jason and Julie. Author Elise Manion builds a wonderfully complex story full of emotion and drama. Everything is contemporary and yet, it will restore your faith in family values. Jason's Princess is the first book in what is set to be the King Brother's series, and although it is Jason and Julie's story, you get to meet the whole family and start learning the history between Jarod and Lauren, and the amazing friendship between Julie, Lauren and Josh as well as the bonds of brotherhood between the King boys. Author Elise Manion may build the King boys up to be tough, battle ready men, but there is a strong family bond, and parents that instilled in them the value of family and protecting those smaller and weaker, never being the bully, and looking out for others. This is an amazing story that had me laughing and cry the whole way through! It's classified as young adult, but the main characters are 25 and up, so it's really a great book for any reader.
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Reviewed For +Readers' Favorite Running away from her foster family was the first step, starting college was the second, but somehow Crystal has ended up in the one town that might be able to answer some questions for her, that is, if she isn't too afraid to actually ask them and let herself believe in the unbelievable. Crystal has always been different, she knew her eyes were unique and she was stronger than everyone else she had met, but she has never really thought about what it really means. Then there is her mother's murder, she has hidden away the facts because they just can't be true. Will Crystal be able to let herself believe and figure out what is going on before something tragic happens. Krystal Blue is a paranormal, fantasy, almost science fiction style book that revolves around college students. Author Destiny Hawkins gives a griping tale of two groups that can't seem to believe in true love across the groups, they stand firmly divided and in the hidden shadows, but Krystal is about to become the turning point. Krystal Blue is such a unique story, paranormal and fantasy, coming of age, accepting what seems hard to believe and yourself. Author Destiny Hawkins does an amazing job weaving this story together. I think my one beef with the story is that I absolutely hate the Thelopuis character, because of his view that his "kind" is the best and that people shouldn't mix with any other "kind". Although this story is paranormal, fantasy, fiction there are themes of life that abound, and this "racism" by him drives me nuts, I just want to smack him senseless! That is the other great thing about this book, the characters are so well written that you feel for them and want to activate for them or against them! There is some sexual activity in the book, so it may not be for everyone, but it is an amazing story.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite Living her whole life in a house full of secrets, Amy just wants to be on her own, have a car and find love. But when love finds her in the most unexpected of places, the chauffeur's nephew, a vindictive father with access to more money than the devil, has the ability to tear her world apart. Can she survive, and can she find happiness? Blood Will Tell is a complex story that spans the years, from birth to death and many more years and places. It revolves around Amy, who is naive and sheltered, and unfortunately easily controlled by her father in the beginning. She slowly learns more and more truths, through tragedy and heartbreak, and becomes a stable and solid woman. Author C. S. Donnell builds a complex story with more twists than a spiral staircase. This story will keep you guessing and reading until the very last page. Blood Will Tell has its amazing love story, it's vindictive and vengeful father figure, who believes he has every right to manipulate people and circumstances for his own benefit. It also spans the period from a young girl coming home from college to middle age, to old age. Wrongs were committed, but the way that people internalize those wrongs and behave doesn't have to be criminal. Author C. S. Donnell builds a story where you want to root for true love, for justice and for the good guy to win. It is such a complex and twisted story that you will be crying and happy all in the space of two pages. Really a great read for all readers. Tiffany's Writing Project View all my reviews
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite Alex has dreamed of going to Yale, becoming a pediatrician and spending his life with his best friend Molly. Molly is just as hard working and dedicated to going to college with Alex and nothing is about to stop her. So when Alex comes back from a recent trip to visit his dad, Big Dave in Sydney and seems to have lost his drive for school, studies and even Yale, Molly is livid. What Molly doesn't know is that Alex has a secret, his trips to visit his father haven't been just that, he has been getting chemotherapy and treatments for Stage IV Melanoma, problem is none of it is working. Live Fast, Die Young is the story of Alex and Molly, as they deal with this diagnosis and a six month sentence. Author +Vanessa Barneveld tells the story from both Molly's view and Alex's view, and brings in real teenage emotion and thought processes. Live Fast, Die Young is a relatively short novella that it is engaging. You are easily able to understand the characters. It is a great young adult read. The only thing I can think to say bad is that, reading it as an adult, I can see the problems in a few of their rationals, but as sixteen year olds, I definitely see that the author, Vanessa Barneveld has captured the mindset and thought processes of the characters and real life teenagers. It is a cute, short story that is a great read and I enjoyed it quite a lot. It has no sex or real language in it, so I would feel comfortable letting even younger kids read this one. It will remind kids, nothing in life is forever, and to grab what you can while you have the chance.
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Anya Wylde lives in Ireland along with her husband, baby boy and a fat French poodle (now on a diet). She can cook a mean curry, and her idea of exercise is occasionally stretching her toes. She holds a degree in English literature and adores reading and writing. Series: Fairweather Sisters 1. Penelope My Review 2. Seeking Philbert Woodbeard My Review 3. Dorothy My Review Other books: Love Muffin and Chai Latte The Wicked Wager Murder at Rudhall Manor Ever After
Seeking Philbert Woodbead is the second in the Fairweather Sisters series by +Anya Wylde . This book follows up a few months, give or take after the end of the first book, Penelope. Now, although this is a series, you could actually read this book without reading Penelope and still enjoy the book, but it is just more fun if you have read the first book before you start, but if you find yourself needing to start with this book, by all means do. It is a delight. Celine Fairweather jumps at the chance to leave home and run to London to help her not that long ago married sister Penelope, who is now confined to her home, all because she had the misfortune of getting pregnant in a time when they had no idea what was going on! The book is hilarious. Celine is reading the "Proper English Ladies" book, and trying to be one, and Penelope could care less what society thinks, and the adventures and madcap fun just continues. I loved the first book, which saw Penelope descend on London to try to find a husband. Now we see her sister descend on London, and although she tries to be more proper than Penelope did, she bungles it just as much if not more. It is zany and funny and every bit as much fun to read, in fact I sat down to read the book, and just had to finish the whole thing! I love this author's style of writing. It is fun and light and just leaves you feeling happy, especially with everything going on in the world these days, it is so nice to escape into a light-hearted book and laugh and enjoy myself. It was such a good read. As there are a number of Fairweather girls still at home, I hope this means that we can count on the author to bring us a number of more Fairweather sister books! I'm already looking for the next one!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars Upon noticing my reads and reviews on Goodreads, I was contacted by the author, +Anya Wylde wanting to know if I would be interested in reading and reviewing this book. Of course I was! I love reading and reviewing, and I am always honest in my reviews, no matter what. Yesterday, I sat down with my Kindle App and read this book. Yes, I read it in one day! It was so funny and inviting that it had me bouncing along through the book, and I was done before I knew it. I went from laughing to crying to laughing again, and then the character was so relatable! I feel like I would be her if I was planted in that time period. Penelope is a country girl, but her mother was good friends with the now Dowager Duchess and she has been invited for a season in London, but Penelope knows none of the finer points of the "social graces" of being in London, what to talk about or not talk about and such, and when she gets nervous she tends to ramble. Thus begins the tumbles and bumbles and trips and falls, and ultimate triumphs of her season in London. The book is well written and keeps you interested, not too serious, not too light-hearted, but enough that you enough it and you keep reading and before you know you are done! I love it! I am so glad that I got the chance to read this one, and believe me, I will be going back to find more from this author.
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Dorothy is yet another of the Fairweather sisters. She is in London enjoying another season thanks to her older sisters, Penelope and Celine. Penelope's story was book one and Celine was book two, now we get to follow up with yet another sister. If you have read books one and/or two you already know that the Fairweather sisters have a few problems with adhering to societies rules and expectations, so you know that this sister is just the same and even moreso. Dorothy thinks she has found the man she loves, and wants her sister's help in getting him to propose to her, only to have her best friend Kitty, who Dorothy thought was in love with her brother-in-law's next door estate neighbor and sworn enemy, elope with Dorothy's object of affection. Dorothy doesn't know that Kitty has eloped, and so she braves the enemies house to try to find her friend, only to find herself in a situation that necessitates marriage. Dorothy is some much like Penelope and Celine, she's always rescuing orphans, but she is forthright and outspoken. Which tends to get her in trouble more often than not. This is yet another wonderful book by the author, that delights and keeps you reading, while being funny and comical, there is still the romance that will have you tearing up at points. +Anya Wylde is a master at weaving humor and romance, and making the stuffy regency era fun and delightful. If you haven't read her yet, start with Penelope, then Seeking Philbert Woodbeard and continue with Dorothy. You won't regret it!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite On what has been believed to be a long ago abandoned plant called Shokrahn, two tales of life entwine into an amazing story that will keep you guessing and wanting more. That is the premise of Whisper Through Time: 1.1 (Soulkeeper Chronicles) by author Dallas Anderson. Before each chapter begins, you have a journal entry. The journal entry is from one time period, which happens to be the past of the planet Shokrahn. Each chapter is about the events going on at the present time with an archaeological crew that includes Dr Elizia Bantor and the military Colonel Dallen Israe assigned to protect this expedition. Slowly you come to realize that what plagued the planet in the journal entries is now beginning to plague the expedition. Whisper Through Time is a very short story, the start of something absolutely amazing! It took me a couple of transitions to realize that the journal entries were the past of the planet. At the same time, both storylines over lap starting now, and I can only image that as the story progresses and more is discovered they will become even more intertwined. Author Dallas Anderson has taken a unique approach to telling the back history of the planet, without actually live people that lived it included in the present day story. The present day story is a mission of discovery that turns into a fight to survive. To be honest, I was disappointed when I finished this book because I wanted more, so much more of the story! You will be intrigued and drawn into the story completely.
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My rating: 4.75 of 5 stars ***Aside: You all know I hate these stars! There is a huge difference in a 4 and a 5.... That being said, consider this book at 4.75****** Although Amber Dragon is titled as the second book in the Dragon Chronicles, as a reader, you will be fine reading it without having read the first book. I have not read the first, and although I want to now, it did not effect the understanding or reading of this book. Each chapter is its own little vignette or story, with each story having the hidden dragon as it's common theme. Each chapter is different and unique, nothing like anything else, and they are nothing like any story along the lines of a dragon living among the world, hidden in plain view that I have ever read before. I found myself entertained, intrigued and wanting more. They each gave me pause, and made me think. In between each chapter or short story was a collection of poems, lyrics and such. These gave even more pause then the stories, and left me thinking and wondering, imagining and hoping, pondering and musing. I loved them. I found that there were several that just really spoke to me and I ended up copying them to share with friends, but mostly writing them down so that I could look at them again in different contexts. The way the two - the chapter stories and the poems and lyrics intertwined and mixed was thought provoking and yet at times I wasn't sure how they went together at first, or even for the longest time. This was definitely one of those books that you find yourself reading over and over again, gleaning more meaning and thought from it each time, and depending on your mood and frame of mind when you are reading, it can take you to completely different places with each reading. The imagery and sense of wonderment in the stories, along with the prose just made me feel in a completely different place. I could be having a terrible day, yet sitting to read just a bit of this book, put me in a different mood, made me think of other people and situations, and really got my creative and imaginative juices flowing. This is a great read, but not for the causal reader, only for those willing to think about what they read, and how it effects them and makes them feel. I am now looking for book one, and to see what else is out there by this author.
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Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite For most of her life, Sara has been seeing visions, and they usually pertain to a certain rare book that she is searching for. Every now and again she will see something more concrete and disturbing, like her father's death, only she was on the other side of the globe at the time and there was no way to warn him in time. She knows there was more to his death than his employers are letting on, and she is determined to get to the bottom of it, but what she is not prepared for is a Demon/Angel named Drake getting in her way. Drake has been watching Sara since her first vision, he knows she is special, he just has no idea how special she really is to him and the cause he fights for. Her Demon, His Angel is the story of those good angels that came to earth to help, only to be trapped by a demon who wants complete power, and the fight between the two for earth and more. Author Kari Thomas builds a story on legend and fact with fantasy and paranormal woven in to give the reader a story worth falling into. Her Demon, His Angel exemplifies the dichotomy that is Drake. Half angel and half demon, something never meant to exist, but that does because of one demon's quest for power and his trickery. He no longer believes in the good left in him, but Sara does, and she is the key to unlocking that good. Author Kari Thomas takes your classic good vs evil, demon bent on controlling the world, and twists it around so that you have corrupted angels, through no fault of their own, trying to fight the demon and their own natures. Add in a huge helping of science and DNA technology and you have a new story that is engaging and enjoyable. Great for anyone who loves a good story.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars Typically, when I sit down with a book, I read through it quickly and relax. This book is not your typical book, this is a collection of poetry, song lyrics and insights. This being said, it was still something I enjoyed, it just took much longer to read. This is not a fluff, feel good book, this is something that will catch you unaware and make you pause, stop, reflect and really think about the book, the words and life. Some of the entries are written purely as poems, and others are written as the lyrics to songs, complete with verses, chorus and bridges. The thing about them all is a deep emotion, a feeling of being at a point in life where you are looking back with regret and yet contentment. The need to process and understand your own life and what it has meant, if it is what you wanted to leave as a legacy or if things are missing. For me, it felt like someone had taken the best parts of Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings and blended them into one person writing out their thoughts and feelings. The lyrics, I could easily hear any one of those guys singing them on an old scratchy radio. They took me to a place where I thought about life and what I had accomplished so far in a different light than I normally do. Instead of judging by today's standards, if I looked back into my grandparents world and their standards, what would they say and think of my life and accomplishments? Would they be proud? Whether you are into poetry or not, this collection has something that will draw you in and keep you reading. You may only read a few pages at a time, but they will have you thinking and processing what was written before you go back for more, but you will go back for more, and most likely once you have finished the book you will find yourself bookmarking certain poems or lyrics, and referring to them more and more because they struck a cord in you and made you feel something, made you think, made you change the way you did or thought about something. This is one of those books that you find on the coffee table or night stand, that is looked at and re-read over and over and every time something new is gleaned from it. This is not a read it and put it away for good book, and that is probably the best thing about it. Without ever trying to make you think, by just writing his own emotions, the author has created a piece of lasting literary art.
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