Second Skin (Skinned) Book 2
by Judith Graves
My rating: 4.4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Through the visions of Marie, Alec's mom, and Alec himself, and the sights given to her by Wade, Eryn knew what was to come, and she didn't like it one bit! In order to save the town of Redgrave she would have to give in to her inner wolf, and it would cost someone she cared about their life. She wasn't ready to face that, but whether she was ready or not, the showdown was approaching. Second Skin (Skinned Book 2) finds Eryn still caught between Alec and Wade, still trying to find out what happened to her parents, and still unsure of herself. Things are getting more hairy and deadly in the town of Redgrave, this time, all the parties are going to have to work together if they want to save the town. Author +Judith Graves weaves teenage feelings into this story of friendship, betrayal, romance and good vs evil.
Second Skin is the second book in the Skinned series and continues right where the first book, Under My Skin left off. It has the main characters, a small band of teenagers fighting the paranormal in the town of Redgrave and keeping most of the town from knowing anything about it. Of course there is the local sheriff, Logan, a vampire of the worst sense that has his own agenda keeping the kids on edge too. Author +Judith Graves weaves many layers of story into this novel, friendships, romances, family, betrayals, and so much more. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, turning page after page until all the sudden you are at the end and wanting more! This is a wonderful book for young adults and adults alike. I also feel comfortable in recommending it for middle school readers and younger as parents see fit.
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Black Snow
by Larry Vick
My rating: 4.7 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
As a young child growing up in the projects, if your skin shade is slightly different, it can cause an issue. In Black Snow, we meet Aaron and Sanobia, two young children that have had to learn far more than their age would dictate to survive. When Aaron can no longer take the consistent teasing, tormenting and bullying, he fights back on Sunday with a stream of curses that would make even a veteran sailor blush. A chain reaction of events, in no way related to each other, occur within a brief five minute window of time that will change Aaron's world forever. Author Larry Vick shows how his childlike mind can connect the events, when there is no connection, and how an unsuspecting friend can lead you to your greatest moment.
Black Snow, although marked as a young adult book, is easily readable for upper elementary aged children to adults. It should be read by children and adults alike, and then talked about together. It is one of those books, that brings social issues to light, but in a mild enough way for all ages to be able to cope with reading about them, and to allow families to discuss the issues together. Author Larry Vick has created a wonderful book that could easily be a school reading assignment book. It would work perfectly in that type of setting where it is read and discussed and talked about more deeply. Not only do I recommend the book to readers, but teachers and educators alike.
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Under My Skin (Skinned Book 1)
by Judith Graves
My rating: 4.4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Her parents wanted her to have a normal life, but Eryn had no idea what normal was. Now that they were missing, or "dead" as the Council said she had to tell everyone, she was living in Redgrave with her Uncle. A town that isn't suppose to have anything paranormal going on at all, so she can just blend in. Well, something is definitely up in this town! Eryn is sure she just saw a werewolf, and as time goes by she finds herself knee deep in a whole lot of paranormal and caught between resident bad-boy Alex and town hottie Wade. These boys are most certainly Under My Skin (Skinned Book 1). Eryn is going to have to decide which side she is on, and who is hiding the most from her. +Judith Graves writes a coming of age, doing it on your own, who is telling the truth story.
Under My Skin, is paranormal, so you get the werewolves, vampires, wolven, and werewolf hunters. Then you have a Council that rules the paranormal community, and those who no longer respect the Council. So not only do you have the teenage story of the two guys after Eryn, you have the paranormal aspect, then there is a third more adult layer that makes this book wonderful for all ages. +Judith Graves does a wonderful job in combining all these layers and making a complete story that is fun, entertaining and enjoyable for readers of all ages and levels.
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The Last Legend : Awakened (Volume 1)
by Joshua B Wichterich
My rating: 4.0 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Long before the beginning of the world, there was the Light and all was good, but there was also the darkness who wanted the adoration that the Light received, and he schemed to try to get that adoration. The Light knew all and was able to see the true desires of the darkness and cast him and his followers into the unknown, and thus began The Last Legend: Awakened (Volume 1). The darkness bid his time until he was able to inhabit the body of a princess and rule the kingdom in evil, but his rule was short lived, when her body died. Now he waits again. Princess Marissa is about to be engaged to Prince Philip when she is kidnapped. It is up to her best friend and her fiance' to find her before it is too late. +Joshua Wichterich takes the classic story of lucifer's fall from grace and turns it into a legend fit for the knights of camelot.
The Last Legend is a story so old that parts of it have been lost, it has been retold so many times it has become jumbled, and it is up to Prince Philip and Tarrien to find the truth in it all. It takes a great deal of trust and faith. +Joshua Wichterich takes what could easily be a wonderful fantasy story of good and evil, of knights and castles, dragons and witches that any young adult would love to read and infuses it with a large dose of faith and religion. It provides a lesson in trusting in the unseen, having faith, and giving it over to an unseen God to pull you through when things look the bleakest. Wonderful fantasy with a message for all who read this story.
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Dorelle's Journey (The Cloud Lands Saga) Book 1
by Hannah Steenbock
My rating: 4.1 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
In another land, at another time and in another place, dragons and their riders train for war. Dorelle and her dragon think as a team, they work together and her dragon helps her as much as she tells her dragon what to do. This does not sit well with her Commander, he believes that dragons are simple creatures that should do as told and never think. After saving another dragon and rider, which really steamed her Commander, Dorelle and her dragon sneak away at night, defecting from the army. Dorelle's Journey takes them to an uninhabited island, a lush island fraught with danger and finally another land and simple fishing village like she was raised in. Here Dorelle finds a new home, but when a threat to this village is exposed and the knowledge that it is heading to her own home, Dorelle must decide if she will risk going back. +Hannah Steenbock not only gives the reader a fantasy story, but a lesson as well.
Dorelle's Journey in the first book is what author +Hannah Steenbock is calling the The Cloud Lands Saga. It is a delightful little book, not too long at all, in fact it was a really quick read for me. You have dragons and an impending war that they are training for, and then good and bad guys in positions of power. It's everything you need. Oh and in case that wasn't enough, there is a little lesson on doing the right thing even if you could get hurt. This is a great book for middle schoolers on up. It doesn't really give an age for the dragonriders, but they feel about 13 - 14 to me, maybe a little older. I think it would be perfect for all ages to read.
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Hunter's Sword (Team Nightly) Book 2
by Kate Porter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Hunter Blackfoot has moved down from Cherokee, North Carolina and the rest of his Indian heritage and family to join Team Nightly and Chase as part of the uccisore team in Savannah. From day one Hunter and Sheila have been fighting like cats and dogs, and no one on the team knows what to do with them. Carly, the waitress at the Blue Mermaid knows exactly what is going on, but it is not what Sheila wants to hear. When the Team gets intell that Vampire King Gordon is after Chase and Rae's newborn daughter, and possibly Sheila too, they go on the offensive, hoping to stop this guy once and for all, but always seems to be just one step ahead of them. He is also after Hunter's Sword, a family treasure passed down through the generations and bloodline. +Kate Porter once again creates a book that has you feeling like you are a part of Team Nightly.
Hunter's Sword goes into a history of the uccisore bloodline going all the way back to the Knights Templar. It's a wonderful story of heritage that Hunter's Uncle Ben tell's Chandra. In this book, a number of new characters are introduced and Team Nightly almost doubles in size. This fact alone would lead me to believe that author +Kate Porter has plans for at least a couple more books, and I sure hope I'm right! She does such a great job of pulling you into the story that feel you are part of Team Nightly, you root for them in the battles, you want to be there with them, you cry when someone gets hurt. It is just a great book! Best read by adults!
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Chains of the Sciell (The Merging World Series) Book Two
by Auden Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
In the world of Jael, darkness has power. Some people can use the darkness and others can not. There are good people, hollow people, and then there is a couple, the Prysn's that want to know everything and to be able to be better than every one else. Growing up Royal has always seen the boy in her mind, white hair and red eyes. Divine has always heard the female voice in his head. When suddenly, a group of adults find themselves dropped into a black stone mansion that provides for their needs, they seem to already know each other, but they have never met before, or have they. Royal, Divine, Blae, and Aliceanna must unlock the lost memories to find out who they really are before time runs out. Chains of the Sciell is the second book in The Merging World Series by author +Auden Johnson .
The Merging World Series, Chains of the Sciell is the second book in this new series by author +Auden Johnson . It is said to take place about fifty years after the first book. I have not read the first book, so I jumped into this blind, and it is a complex story, but at the same time I was able to follow the story up until the end. The concept of the Darkness and pulling power from the darkness is interesting and I wish it had been developed a little more, but overall I really liked the book and I think young adults and adults alike will enjoy this book. Especially if you like repressed memory, paranormal powers and kidnapping.
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Tortured Souls(The Orion Circle Book 1)
by Kimber Leigh Wheaton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
All her life Kacie's parents have made her feel like she was a liar or insane because of her gifts, so she had tried to hide them well. When an evil spirit approaches her at a party, Kacie knows she is the only one that can feel it until, Logan, the guy she's been crushing on looks past and tells her he knows that she knows it is there. Logan invites Kacie to the Orion Circle meeting after school the next day, and finally she finds a place she belongs, finally she finds someone who believes her.
As Kacie gets involved with the Orion Circle, the find themselves investigating the home where the mass suicide of a cult, and the murder of thirteen children occurred.
Tortured Souls (The Orion Circle Book 1) are those that are bound to this side, that haunt and do not cross over. Kimber Leigh Wheaton gives the readers a unique blend of innocence and horror.
Tortured Souls tells of Kacie's coming into her gift. Finally finding people who can explain her gift to her, encourage her in it and help her use it in good ways. Given the horrific details of a mass cult suicide and the kidnapping, torture and murder of children, author Kimber Leigh Wheaton weaves a gentle teenage love story of innocence, first love, and family create a balance. It works wonderfully because the story does not become to dark and at the same time it still retains the meaning and purpose of setting the souls free. This is a great young adult and adult book. Given the maturity level of your child, even younger would be fine reading it, but that should be an individual parent decision.
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The Lost Remnant (Pieces of Eden) Book 1
by J.N. Race
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
The Lost Remnant (Pieces of Eden Book 1) is an epic fantasy paranormal magic novel centered around the life of a young girl named Azsha. She is beautiful beyond compare, dances in her families gypsy wagon, and has a long flowing locks of lavender hair. All her life her mother has never let her out of the wagon, so one night Azsha makes a run for it, and ends up in a village. The first friend she makes is Kalo, who in turn introduces her to Ayalana. J. N. Race weaves an epic story that almost seems to be two separate stories in one. There is a first mystery that must be solved when Etticacia is kidnapped instead of Azsha and then a second quest when fighting Tempest. All woven together into a coming of age story in a world unlike anything we know now.
J. N. Race takes bits of fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, magic, demons, old world, parallel worlds or dimensions, family drama, and coming of age all woven together to create this epic tale that spans more than just one battle or quest. The Lost Remnant is so well written that it draws you in, you see yourself in this world, you feel yourself walking the streets of the village, the halls of the castle, and smelling the fires the burning. You are drawn into the story and you want to see where it goes, you want to root for certain characters, and against others. This book is labeled as young adult, and I agree there. I feel it would be a great book for teens, young adult, or even adults. No sexual scenes at all, and mild monster violence.
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Chasing Shadows: Book One in the Sisters of Shadows
by Maren Meriel McCaffrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Chasing Shadows: Book One in the Sisters of Shadows and Moonlight Series starts an amazing journey into the lives of Mistral and Allie. Separated when they were young by the tragic death of their parents, the girls grow up differently, in this book we get Mistral's story of growing up. Once they find each other again, the embark on a paranormal existence in a world where werewolves make perfect bouncers. +Maren Meriel McCaffrey doesn't stop there. she brings in mythology with Hades and Ares teaming up to track the twins. The whole book is centered around Mistral. Even though there are other characters present and twisted with Mistral's life, it is from Mistral's viewpoint for the most part.
Chasing Shadows mixes the paranormal or supernatural genre's with their werewolves, vampires, and use of magic; with the mythology genre of the Greek gods bringing Hades and Ares into the mix. This is a really neat mix and something that I find refreshing in a book, it's not a mix that I have seen before. The main characters, twins Mistral and Allie are written so that you bond with them and feel for them. You want to see them triumph over the challenges and problems that they face. Maren Meriel McCaffrey does aqv wonderful job of mixing these different genre's and characters together into a cohesive story that makes sense and comes together beautifully. Definitely an adult book, but it is something that you can curl up and read, maybe over and over, because I'm sure seconding reading you would pick up on other things you missed on the first. Looking forward to Book Two!
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The Short Life of Sparrows
by Emm Cole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Tucked away in the valley between the mountains is a village, well a coven really of Seer's and their male counterpart Nightblood's. Isaiah answers an advertisement for a handyman for the summer to work in the coven, even though he is just an Ordinary. Calli is getting ready for her Awakening on her eighteenth birthday. This is the day that she will see her first dream, or nightmare. Rowe is the Nightblood playboy that seems to be attached to Calli, and Calli is determined not to be swayed by his charms. The Short Life of Sparrows tells the story of the summer of Calli's eighteenth year. How she deals with the nightmares that she see's, how she interacts with Isaiah, and Rowe. It also tells us more about Rowe and Isaiah. We also learn the relationship between the Seer's and the Nightblood's and how they work apart but together. +Emm Cole gives a wonderful coming of age tale for everyone.
The Short Life of Sparrows is a paranormal novel of magic and family, albeit a completely different kind of family. All the women live in the Coven, and they are Seer's, and all the men live in a camp on the mountain and they are Nightblood's. +Emm Cole give a the reader a unique family setup in this novel. The use of magic also requires something, so there is a cost in using it. There is also a cost to lies, and they never turn out to be worth their costs. It's a coming of age and deciding what they must do, follow in the family footsteps or leave and find something new. This is a great book for teens, young adults and adults.
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Call of the Raven(The Union Series)
by Shawn Reilly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
In the middle of Indiana, tucked away outside of Indianapolis sits a manor house where the Lake family lives. It's not your normal family. Grant Lake is the Keeper of the family, and an ani-shifter, a wolf precisely. But Grant has heard the call of the Raven, which according to longstanding family tradition means his life is about to end and Asher will have to take over. Asher doesn't want to take over, and he makes a mess of things, almost to the point of destroying the Union, or community of ani-shifters. Call of the Raven (The Union Series) follows Asher as he realizes there is a problem and works to make things right before its too late. +Shawn Reilly writes an ani-shifter, giving the reader dogs, wolves, falcons, tigers, just about any animal all living and working together.
Call of the Raven (The Union Series) is the first book in this new series about the Lake family of Indiana, and the Union of ani-shifters. It is not written like other shifter novels, this really is more about the family dynamics and the traditions and restrictions of living in the Union. +Shawn Reilly gives the reader a more involved story, that keeps you turning pages and wanting to understand exactly what it going on, and guessing about peoples pasts. This book would be a good read for young adults, teens and adults. Even though there is some domestic violence and some language, the fact that the lead characters begin the story in the teens make it a good book for them. Everyone will enjoy this one.
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Chase Nightly, L'Uccisore (Team Nightly)
by Kate Porter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Team Nightly has been hunting vampires for decades. only now it is lead by Chase Nightly, who took over at age seventeen when his father, Toby was killed by the so called Vampire King. Rae Chandler hunts vampires in New York, but when she is targeted and given a message about the Vampire King in Savannah looking for her, she decides it's time to visit family. The first time Chase and Rae meet, sparks fly, and not the good kind, they are at each others throats, but a cautious peace is obtained, and Rae temporarily joins Team Nightly to find the Vampire King. +Kate Porter gives a southern flare to the story with some Italian words, and southern charm and manners. Chase Nightly, L'Uccisore (Team Nightly) deals mostly with Team Nightly although a few other Teams are mentioned.
Chase Nightly, L'Uccisore (Team Nightly) is reported to be the first book in a series about these particular brand of vampire hunters and the vampire king. This book focusing mainly on Team Nightly, but slight mention of a couple of other teams. +Kate Porter takes the popular theme of vampires and the vampire hunter or slayer and merges it with a bloodline trait that is passed down, and ends up with a story more about the hunter team, it's connections to each other and own sense of family than it is about the vampires. This is a nice change of pace from most vampire novels. There is one detailed intimate scene, so it is probably best for adults, possibly young adults, but that would be up to the parents.
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Justice Buried (Starbright, Volume 1)
by Hilary Thompson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Justice Buried (Starbright) (Volume 1) tells the story of a new world order. The world as we know it now ceased to exist in 2068, and one city at least, underground survived. The prophecy was that in one hundred years a child born on the spring equinox and one born on the autumn equinox, would venture out of the underground and start a new city above ground. Astrea and Lexan are those children, but there are those that would prefer they did not reach their goals. Some in Asphodel don't believe that there are any people left above ground, and others believe there are. Things become complicated when Stian arrives in Astrea's hidden cave, as he actually comes from the surface. Can he be trusted? Astrea and Lexan find they must do things they never thought possible in order to save the city they love and the people they love. +Hilary Thompson, Author has written a story that will pull you in from the first page.
The current world ends in 2068, not too far away, and in a manner that seems reasonable enough to be realistic, which makes the book that much more compelling to read. Three cities are said to remain, two above ground and one underground. Justice Buried is the story of the underground city of Asphodel. +Hilary Thompson, Author blends coming of age, as the main characters, Astrea and Lexan are all of seventeen, with the struggles of truth and justice, what is right and wrong, how to balance family and community, ethics and morals. It is an amazing beginning to a three part series that draws you in, keeps you reading and is fun, but at the same time, when you sit back and think about what they went through it will have you thinking about the choices they had to make. Wonderful book for middle schoolers, young adults and adults as well.
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by Dawn Napier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Reviewed for +Readers' Favorite
Memorial Day weekend that year was the same as any other year, except that come Tuesday the world would forever change. It became known simply as It, in the time Before and the time After. Storyland begins with a series of small chapters, each a brief scene into the life of a character that might show up again in the later story. Each of these scenes are labeled by time. Ten years AR, or Five years AR, or even Twenty years AR, and it gives you glimpses into how rapidly some things in the world changed and how slowly other things changed. In the remainder of the book, +Dawn Napier tells the story of Alicia and her life in the time after. Her struggle, her crusade, and what she must endure to survive in this new world order.
Storyland defies a genre label. It can easily be called a fantasy book, albeit a bit dark. It could be called a dystopian, or supernatural or even paranormal. It really doesn't matter what you want to call it, you just want to find it, take your time and read. I do mean to take your time, because as you watch the world crumble, you will be forced to think, to realize that no one is prepared for every possibility, and chaos can rule. +Dawn Napier does a wonderful job of bring classic monsters and demons from all the favorite writers of the past, and making them living, breathing characters in this world. Some just come into being, and other morph out of humans already on the planet. What is fabulous is how the author is able to give the perspective from those people as they don't understand what is happening to them, and they still try to retain some of their human qualities. As with any post-apocalyptic type world where chaos rules, there are adult themes in this book, nothing graphic, and not much, but it definitely belongs in the story when the author uses it. Therefore I recommend it for adult readers!
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